I’ll be honest, there is a part of me that knows exactly how cathartic it would be to let go and have a giant, slobbering, sobbing cry over things that I bottle up. It’s right there on the edge at times. But I just can’t. I don’t even consciously stop myself.

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Stay tuned for next week. It gets deeper.

And, agreed. We should be able to file a class action lawsuit against our parents' generation for all of this.

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It’s odd, I give my dad a pass because he never dealt with the PTSD and trauma from Vietnam, because his dad drank himself to death after the PTSD and trauma from WW 2. I’m sure if ingrained it on Connor but I’ll never really know. PS I hate you a little for getting the cure stuck in my head. I’m not a fan and having an earworm from a band you don’t like is extra terrible.

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I know. It's not even Boys Don't Cry that's playing over and over. It's the other song...In Between Days, I think it's called.

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